Now that you BOYS have had a good giggle...As a woman, a somewhat liberal, and a Democrat; I do not wish to see prostitution legalized. I would really hate to see something so degrading become a "career" choice for anybody. And that is probably what would happen. Look at how many women choose to be, exotic dancers. What a great career and wonderful future.To me, sex is more than just a physical experience. You sell your body to strangers and you are hurting yourself. If the man is married or in a committed relationship, he is risking hurting that person and himself by going outside the relationship to pay for sex. I think there is a world of hurt in the sex trade. How many of you men who believe in legalizing prostitution would marry a prostitute? How many of you men would be happy to share your wife with strange men? It may look like legalizing prostitution will get rid of everything bad that surrounds the sex trade, such as pimps, drugs, and all the dangers, but it will not. I do not feel it is right that a person has no other option but to sell their body to get by in the world. Should we legalize prostitution? No. Should we think about more effective ways to help these people into a safer environment? Yes.
Annonymous you need to lighten up. I pulled the old thread up top in the general forum this is nothing new. These posters are having some fun, not destroying our culture. Well OK maybe, but not with this issue.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
shughes wrote: These posters are having some fun, not destroying our culture. Well OK maybe, but not with this issue.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I WOULD favor legalizing prostitution. It's legal in Nevada and you seldom hear of problems there. I'm pretty sure MC would actually favor legalizing it, too.
Anon's point that "would you marry a prostitute" is valid. I would not. Nor would I marry a far-right republican. But I don't want to outlaw them. Well, maybe.
Prominent Lewiston businessman and past Town historian, Mr. Richard Carey's (deceased), mother was a Hooker. He was fond of stating quite openly that his father had married a Hooker. Hooking is the world's oldest profession. What do you do for a living anonymous?
Hey, wasn't one of Niagara Falls' biggest companies Hooker Chemical?
Actually, my father worked for them for a while before moving on to bigger and better things.
And yes, I would support the legalization of prostitution, as well as any other consensual crime on the books. We'd be making 10 times in taxes what we spend in law enforcement. We'd be richer and safer by abolishing laws against drug use, gambling, pornography, unconventional religious and political practices, helmet laws, the list goes on. If yer not hurting anyone, there shouldn't be a law against it. Period.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
My Great Grandma was a Hooker, all kidding aside. She married a Speer and one of her son's opened Speer Chemical in Pa. I've never met him! I guess I won't be in his will.LOL!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein