WLVL AM 1340, along with the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal is hosting a candidates forum at the Dale Association on November 2, 2005. The two-hour long forum will include candidates running for positions in the City of Lockport, as well as legislative races in and around Lockport, and the sheriff's race. It will be broadcast live on WLVL from 7 to 9 p.m.
So far candidates who have agreed to participate include: William Boulden, D, 7th district Niagara County legislature; Glenn Aronow, R, 16th district Niagara County legislature; and John Villella, D, 19th district Niagara County legislature.
For an up-to-date account of who will and who won't attend, keep your eyes on the front page of scottleffler.com. If you know a candidate and they're not on the "will attend" list, call them and tell them you want them to attend.
I read the list coming into the forum of the candidates who have accepted the invitation to come before the public and speak. I actually think it is getting way too long for only two hours. You will never be able to do justice to the public or the candidates. You might want to consider having it two nights and dividing the city and the county candidates into two separate groups. If not two separate nights, I would suggest lengthening the hours. Two hours is not nearly enough time for that many people. Please think about it. By the time each gives a short 2 minute introduction of themselves and why they want to run, or why they feel they deserve another term, an hour will already be almost over...