I never had issue with the poster...it's not about cartoon boobies or who likes who, or another not too realistic cartoon head at a typwriter. It's about what's acceptable. If you guys like it and it doesn't matter what anyone else here in this small community thinks, so be it. I didn't like the life like (death like) imagery of it. Way too real. So, now I have to prohibit my kids from getting near me when I'm on this site. Maybe it's time to find another site with less A%#$%les.
Now, I'll tell you about someone named Ron. Ron blew his brains out with his wife in the next room. He was sitting in the carport which had been screened for the summer. Calling his kids in, next to the stairs, he blew his brains all over the walls and even spattered them in the doing. A really bad scene. (I personally knew the entire family. It wasn't a "job." It's something a church does!
This was another suicide.
When the intial shock of what had happened began to sink into these little kids, and after the EMS crews had left the scene, I noticed something that I didn't want the kids to see. "Silly reasoning?"
Anyone interested in the rest of this story? Go choke on some candy! Now it's about all the jerks here that went along with the very bad and distasteful use of that avatar, Halloween or not. It's about human decency and what's acceptable to you that think it's cool or something. It's about purposely doing something to hurt someone after they describe why it is so very ugly to them. It's about a harmful mental image too difficult to forget and too terrible to remember.
"Our fears build character and our emotions reflect that." "It may be inappropriate on a thread labeled "Easter Bunnies" but with "Halloween" you have to expect that." "Don't be afraid or embarrassed of emotions." "It's natural." Where'd you get this from? Dr. Phil? I'd bet your kid becomes a drug addict and a serial killer with advise like that!
May all your dreams be haunted like these two poor wretched souls were!
The sadest part is that all I got out of that was...Anonymous yelled at JH so anonymous yelled at anonymous and then anonymous yelled at anonymous and the anonymous yelled at anonymous who then explained to anonymous why anonymous was mad at anonymous then anonymous told anonymous that he didnt care what anonymous thought and to deal with his/her career choice or get into another profession. So anonymous said it's sad that he can't let his/her anonymous kids watch him while he/she posts anonymously on this site. I think I got it. Just think...if you people would get names on the site how your credability would go up. It's sad
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein