The election season is upon us. After going through articles from election seasons past, I noticed the familiar ring of certain “buzzwords” ie... reorganize, shared services, restructure, agenda.
Why is it that those candidates with agendas can’t reveal those agendas until after Election Day? We want to know NOW what your ideas, goals, intents are, not after Election Day, and only if you are elected.
If your idea to reorganize garbage pickup is to place a huge dumpster in the center of each ward, we want to know now. This may influence our vote.
If your idea to restructure youth and recreation is to give each child a $50.00 stipend redeemable at a local “Y”, we want to know now. That could change the way we vote.
If your idea of shared services is to not hire Police officers, but to supplement with an outside agency, or if your agenda is to reduce Fire services, cut Fire Fighters, remove 2 ambulances along with the $700,000.00 revenue they bring in and replace with an ambulance located 20 minutes away, let us know now. That may affect the way we vote.
But really, if you say you have a plan, show it to us now, lay it on the line, before we vote on Election Day.
Kevin, they all know if they vote in a tax increase, job lay offs, no contract for four years, Mt. View and now the senior nutrition program before election day (which we all know is coming after election day) we would have all new faces to look at. The word that comes to mind in the majority led Niagara County Legislature is spineless cowards.
Now you know why people think you are a horses a$$ as you try to negotiate. That was a ridiculous post for a union president to post, it really showed your level of class.
You are much better off staying with your current contract then negotiating a new one. If the county is smart they would duplicate what the public sector is getting in new contracts. That would include no raises (actually some decreases in certain jobs) and you would pay more for health coverage. You should realize that the public is totally in the counties corner.
And it only makes sense to sell Mt View. We pay for the older infirmed people through our tax dollars for medicare, we shouldn't be paying the Mt. View deficit, especially with the higher wages the county employees get for running it.
Show some class in your postings, and get realistic in your demands!
We all have had a chance to read the candidates views. We have heard them on local radio and television. And we’ve all heard the positive spin that most place on public safety.
However, after going thru print copy over the past few years, I came across some of the following in local newspaper print.
4/11/02-US&J. Fire Board action directs the Fire Chief to implement 9 man minimum manning. The Fire Chief argued that required functions can not be performed safely with lowered manning.
4/11/02-Niagara Gazette. Schrader said the City can hire new Fire Fighters once open positions pay for retirement buyouts. No word when Council will pass a bill requiring a reduction in fire and rescue calls.
5/2/02-US&J. Kibler and Schrader seemed to be the only aldermen definitely in favor of allowing hiring. Kibler states with overtime right now, its killing us. It’s going to kill us even more when they’re 6 men short.
5/9/02-US&J. Green’s primary concern is whether the new hires would need to be laid off later in the year or early next year.
5/29/02-US&J. City Council President Pat Schrader agreed that hiring 2 Fire Fighters would help alleviate the manning issues, but previously offered other solutions. One method he said was going with 2 member rescue squads instead of 3.
8/20/02-US&J. Former US&J writer Charles Richardson writes a column titled “Kibler replaces perpetual cigar with his foot”, detailing several of Kiblers’ public racist remarks. Richardson writes “3 strikes and you’re out Joe. It’s only fair.”
9/25/02-US&J. Fire Chief explained why the Council should not cut rescue squad manning from 3 to 2 after the Council moved last week to reduce manning on ambulance crews.
10/3/02-US&J. Mullaney said the City has a policy of not replacing retirees until all the retirement buyout packages are paid off.
9/3/03-US&J. Cercone and Kibler both support civilian dispatch, adding anything that could put another body on the street.
11/16/03-US&J. Sullivan says “ I truly believe the Common Council has the direction they want to go at the end of the agreement.”
11/21/03-US&J. Haz Mat designation shot down. Kibler states this may be a smoke screen to get these guys promoted and more money. The designation would make the Department eligible for Federal grants and improve the Departments ability to serve and protect the community.
12/2/03-US&J. City finds forgotten funds of $228,000. Schrader said he didn’t know how everyone forgot about the money. Last year we didn’t have the money, but now we do.
10/16/04-US&J. concerning police staffing and overtime, members of the Council are open to hearing Police Department staffing complaints. Green said there is an obligation on the part of the Council to take care of the citizens of the City.
10/28/04-US&J. Mullaney informed the alderman that about $500,000 less in reserve funds would be available to spend next year. Kibler said, I don’t think we realized the funds weren’t back in there. We might even have lay offs, it might come to that.
11/24/04-US&J.The Council wants to cut minimum manning to 9.
12/30/04-US&J. City fire dispatch up for grabs. Green states this is a good time to do it, because if somebody leaves, we don’t have to fill the spot.
1/3/05-US&J. Tucker said the City is not planning to reduce minimum manning or let Fire Fighters go.
1/6/05-US&J. By turning over control of fire communications to NCSD the Fire Department would gain manpower.
2/23/05-US&J. Tucker states as manpower is reduced some other things need to be reduced as well.
9/7/05-US&J. Tucker has suggested the Council lowers minimum manning at its discretion and potentially order layoffs in order to cut costs.
9/9/05-US&J. Mayor Tucker said the slashing sends a budgetary message to the Fire Chief he is going to have less men and lower manning, the Council can drop manning to six if it chooses. Reduced minimum manning would also require taking equipment out of service.
If the Council members are this confused, is it any wonder why the Fire Fighters are confused. Surely the public is confused.
If nothing else, when you go to the polls on Tuesday, keep this in mind.
1/3/05-US&J. During a Common Council year end review, aldermen selected the following projects to pursue for change: Restructure highways and parks operations, refigure garbage collection, expand city code enforcement, get paid for collecting county taxes and ramp-up tree trimming efforts.
In yesterday's US&J, Mr Kibler got to the facts. The fact that he has no regard for public safety. His comments on the fire department were immature and reprehensable for someone in his position, and show a total lack of knowledge in how the citizens of this city are protected. To him its all a big joke.
He spoke of combination departments. While this debate is not about paid vs volunteer, yestaerday's USA Today had ANOTHER article on the decline of volunteers nationwide. The article made mention of what is being done to recruit (paying people) and that combination departments are just a step toward become a full-time paid department.
Again another uninformed statement from a council that has had to recind various resolutions that have been found to be illegal or improper after the fact. I don't get that many mulligans on the golf course.
Shooting from the hip has its time and place. But ignorance while shooting from the hip is dangerous. And not just in public safety,