OK, you guys can post all the facts and statistics you want, it looks like the city does not want a world class fire department as evidenced by their votes last night.
They want an emergency service. Do they need full blown fire service? Is one truck enough? As evidenced by this vote and the sheriff vote they definetly want central dispatch, freeing up one other guy.
Guys, I stand by you but it looks like its time to pay the piper, you lost....
I think that narrowly winning a race is kinda embarassing. it should be a wake up call to all the candidates that won by such narrow margins that alot of people are not happy.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I agree. The fire department was not on the ballot. The firefighters didn't lose anything and your comments are almost the equivelent to a juvenille "nah nah na nah nah."
I am not a fire fighter, I'm not the wife of a firefighter. I'm a tax payer that knows and appreciates what they do. I thank God everyday that we have 24/7 paramedics within 2 to 5 minutes away. My oldest son may not still be here today without them.
The fact that Joe Kibler has another 2 years to be rude and offensive to the citizens of Lockport just boggles my mind. Don't bother defending him either. I have been on the receiving end of some very chauvinistic comments from Kibler and his racist comments that he aired publically should not be forgetten. I guess I'm just thankful that he didn't get Four years!
Now what?... I bet they keep doing their jobs and helping people they don't know who are probably having the worst day of their lives. Hope its not you anon.
Yes, Joe Kibler does put his foot in his mouth an awful lot. He better watch his comments now. With Flora's win in the third ward (yeah Flora!!), if he says anything remotely racist, we can all watch Flora kick his @$$ on channel 10!
I think that narrowly winning a race is kinda embarassing. it should be a wake up call to all the candidates that won by such narrow margins that alot of people are not happy.
The main issue for the three candidates (Green, Schrader and Kibler) was the fire department. The fire department backed the opponents.
II don't like the state of affairs the country is now in in cutting jobs both in the private and public sectors, but it does look like in this election the majority (be it by one vote or more) are backing the attack the firemen candidates.
Something has to give, be it the city raising taxes or the fireman doing with less.
The problem is the" less" could be with manpower. Your safety is now at more risk than you can imagine andbelieve me, no one's taxes will not be going down. Next thing look for Schrader to be running for mayor in two years.
Paying the piper? The only people PAYING will be the citizensof Lockport. These three, (Schrader, Kibler, and Green) could have brought issues and ideas, progressive thinking. All this city has now is the same old donkey in the barn..
The firemen DID lose, and you think anything different, you need a serious wake-up call. It's called LOBBYING, and with all of their efforts to get the Terrible Trio knocked off, they did in fact fail. Thus, they, the firemen, lost. They think they wield all of this power in this city, what a joke. Shut your collective mouths and do your job. You're done in politics.
In the early days of this city, the mules were used to pull the canal boats etc. Now they get elected by people just like you. At least the mules have progressed.
It was uninformed dolts like spin doctor that voted for those 3 idiots, a racist, a bumbling 1/2 brained mush mouth and the laziest ex-plant worker Lockport has ever seen. Hooray! Two more years of "it's not my fault, it’s theirs" and "I didn’t know the rules and proper procedures." At least almost 1/2 the voters saw the light, in two more years I am sure a few more will as well and Lockport will be free of "The Three Stooges".
But more than half did vote for them, against the fireman. The people are demanding changes in the fire department. Yes, we have cadillac service right now, they are great! But, the people don't want to pay for a Caddy, they want a chevy......
I actually agree that the "losers" were probably better candidates than the ones that won. The fireman were so adamently backing them though, and the people voted NO. Sorry guys, but it's time for change, you lost, you backed them, now you really should listen to the people.
I am not a fireman or relative of one, just someone who is informed. Cadillac service?? If you go to the firemans website you can see how much they really cost us..it is $266 a year for the average taxpayer... it costs more for cable tv than the fire dept... if the homeowner wants to cut costs then go to "over the air" tv. How much will your tax bill go down if changes are made to the fire dept.? My guess is $0... Get off the politicians bandwagon and do your homework. I have needed their services a few times and until you do need them you will not know how important they are.
How much do the volunteers services cost in S. Lockport and Rapids? I know the Town of Lockport takes money from the residents, and the State and Federal grants they get come from our pockets too. Does anyone know these numbers? Just a question...don't attack me!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Town of Lockport pays somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.1 million a year for fireprotection. There is a assessment on the tax rolls(about $1.16/$1000) plus some sales tax dollars are used. The contracts with the volunteers is for fire only. At any time they could stop providing ambulance service which would require the town to contract with someone else for 911 EMS.
The cost per thousand is easy, its on your tax bill. The overall or total cost is much more difficult to figure. Depending on how the department or company is set up ( non-profit fire protection districts), they may not have to file annual financial reports with the NYS Comptrollers Office. If not, then the monies generated from membership drives, bingo,food sales, tool sales etc.. are not always made public. Add to this the costs of recruitment and retention incentives such as pension service awards and free community college education program. Therefore no true cost. There is a Federal program out called the "SAFER" act which makes grant money available for these programs which applies to both paid and volunteers.
Sure, the costs are the same....... don't be stupid. It does cost money to keep the volunteers going, but they are not making $50,000 (thats a guess for city fireman) a year even with the money that the town gives them. Their pensions are very small, especially compared to what full time fire fighters get.
I AM NOT SAYING FIREMAN ARE OVER PAID - I am just saying that the volunteers are a lot cheaper than a paid full time force.
I do believe that through attrition (no layoffs) Lockport should supplement their force with volunteers - but keep the ambulance service going. We should have paid drivers and a very small crew of fireman.
Doesn't one of our neighboring communities do that now?