For all the rest of the militant bargain hunters out there, I found a website that lists all the ads ahead of time for Black Friday. If you're like me, you can print these out and make a schedule of where you will stand in line. I know it's crazy, but it has become a tradition for me (and I get good bargains).
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I am trying a new X-mas shopping "strategery" as George W. would say: I am going to wait until after Christmas and then buy everyone's gift on clearance! Some of my family and friends are in on it, those who aren't, well, I will just put off seeing them til after Christmas...they'll be none the wiser. It'll be the cheapest Christmas ever, if all goes according to plan.
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
An astute observation, Phantom, you must be psychic or something...
There was some sort of Who concert in Cincinati incident in...well, I don't know where, but I heard about a trampling and traumatization story on the news. Some WalMart somewhere. I stayed home today, I never have before. I think I am in some sort of "Black Friday" withdrawl....
Tomorrow's another (shopping) day...
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
We went to the Wally World in NF due to the proximity of my parent's home and their free babysitting services. What a freaking mess! Talk about bait and switch....I don't know if they even had ANY Gameboys available. It was hard to tell what they had due to their incredible lack of forethought about where to place the loss leaders. All sale items were basically in one aisle in the middle of the store with traffic coming in from all directions. There's some gridlock for ya!
Then they positively did not have the boy's jeans and sleep pants that were advertised. We left without buying a thing, and went on to greener pastures at Target. What a different world! No pushing and shoving, lots of helpful sales people, and sale items on end cap displays! So much for Walmart!
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
Days stops included KB Toys, Toys R Us (two different ones), Target, KMart, Best Buy, Circuit City, Book World (is that what it's called - in the Wurlitzer Building), Michaels and McDonalds. I believe we spent money everywhere except Circuit City cause they were out of what we wanted there. Now I'm (supposed to be) setting up XMas stuff and Jackie and the girls are at WalMart.
All in all, a great day ... and it's just begun. There's a live band a beer in my future.
It sound like you need the band and beer Scott, that's a lot of shopping. I went to home depot and was pleasantly surprise by all the attentive sales staff. I usually hate going there because finding an employee to assist you is next to impossible. Not today, all you black Friday shoppers stayed clear of home depot, thanks.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson