I have no details, but I drove by there this afternoon (Saturday) and saw that Channel 4 news was there, and also it looked like some florist shop's van. I don't know if it was connected or not. That's the scoop, all I've got....
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
Maybe David Ulrich was coming out of the closet. And what's the deal with naming the city center the Ulrich city center? I thought it was supposed to be the Lockport city center?
Yep, apparently you can get all sorts of tax breaks and name the joint after yourself...does he have any tenants yet? I would love to see the central hub of Lockport downtown, but, there are already so many empty spaces down there, between him and Elmer. Explain to me why he built that place again?
*****THE ULRICH CITY CENTER***** (sounds important, doesn't it?)
Do you think that perhaps he may have a slight ego problem? I wonder what the rent is? Does anyone know?
My original post was a total non-story. I watched the news at 6, 10 and 11 (yes, I'm a loser) and nothing! Oh well...sorry.
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
Why do people post anonymously to attack people? Does anyone remember what a "DICK" punch is? It used to be on 103.3 or 97 rock and they used to announce every morning who needed or deserved a "DICK" punch. I think the last anonymous definately needs one. And if it's on the radio it is FCC approved, Scott.
-- Edited by jspeer at 10:06, 2005-11-20
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Anonymous wrote: Maybe he can rename it: "The RattyJenn Complaint Center" Then all the negative thinkers and complainers will have somewhere to go every time there is change in Lockport.
Hey! That's a great idea! I need a home base. And while I'm doing that, why don't you grow a pair and get a user name, anon #2?
I'm right in line behind you, JSpeer, for that dick punch.
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
Anonymous wrote: "Why do people post anonymously to attack people?" How about I get a whole bunch of user names and argue with myself? Does that sound familiar Speer??
I have 2 user names JSpeer and you can guess my other one. And as far as me liking Dick punch... I guess if I admit to being with your mom too. I have tasted dick punch but not knowingly. How was I to know she was tainted by soooooo many.
-- Edited by jspeer at 13:33, 2005-11-20
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
"Wilhelm & Ashe Floristry & Gifts will have a second city location at 80 Main St., Suite C, to accommodate a business expansion."
Can you believe they named the joint after themselves? Maybe they have a slight ego problem as well.
They were quoted as saying:
"“Wilhelm & Ashe has been blessed by our community by accepting us for who we are and what we provide,” he said. “With the (downtown) renaissance, we want to be part of it to gain more exposure. Everyone that we’ve spoken to thinks we’ll do absolutely great there except some person named "RattyJenn"...oh..there she is now..chasing that news truck down the street!”
What looks better and is worth more in tax revenue?: 1. An empty lot 2. A bunch of brand newbuildings. You mean EMPTY buildings. If I were a business owner it would be stupid of me not to take advantage of legal tax breaks. Why shouldn't he name it after himself? Umm, 'cause it's pretentious and lame?
I think Mr. Anonymous should sign up with that avatar and call him/herself 'Dickpunch'
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.