I always used to think I wanted to have kids when I 'grew up'. Now, I believe that getting pregnant is one of the worst things that could happen to me. I have no interest in having any children. Bad kids ruined it for me.
I see evil children everywhere... Especially this time of year. They can be found most frequently in stores, restaurants, and airports. I think their parents are deaf and blind. They are completely oblivious.
Examples of bad children: The child at the Buffalo airport who was climbing and hanging on the metal bar at the Southwest Airlines gate alongside the window (overlooking the tarmac), kicking the safety glass with his feet calling out, "look daddy, I'm a monkey." The father did nothing, just looked at the boy and smiled. That is, when he wasn't coaxing the child to act even worse. I couldn't help but smile to myself a few minutes later when the child fell to the floor and started crying uncontrollably. The fathers response, "did you break the glass???"
The other week at Super Walmart, there was a girl around 4 years old making linoleum angels on the floor as she kicked and squirmed and screamed at the top of her lungs. The mother ignored her and continued reading the magazines in the check out line.
Last Christmas at Target there was a small child that was running around the store singing loudly while touching and picking up everything she could get her hands on. The mother said to another woman, "isn't she adorable?" WHAT??? The child was a huge nuisance and customers around us looked far from amused.
I hate going to a restaurant and hearing a screaming kid. If I'm paying good money to eat at Olive Garden I do not want a child at the next table screaming their lungs out (especially while the parents do NOTHING). Hello??? Can you not hear your screaming kid??? Why aren't you doing anything???
How parents can stand to have more than one of these little monsters is beyond me.
A friend of mine has a theory: kids shouldn't be allowed outside until they are at least 18 years old. Hmmm.... Well, I say maybe 12... IF they can behave. Imagine a child-free world: aaahhh... quiet... well, quieter anyhow.
Hint for you parents out there: if your child starts to misbehave somewhere, TAKE THEM OUTSIDE. No one wants to hear your kid. And don't give them anything they want just to make them stop screaming. They'll remember that and whenever they cry, they know they'll get their way. Put your foot down and say no to them - you're the adult!!!
Granted, there are some very well behaved children out there (and sometimes I want to approach the parents and thank them). Like the little oriental girl on the BWI airport shuttle that sat there next to her mother just looking around the bus inquisitively - yet not saying a word. I wanted to hug her. What a perfect child.
I guess my rant should be changed more to the fact that I don't hate children, I hate parents who don't know how to discipline their kids.
My parents were strict. There was no misbehaving in public. There was also no, "time out in the corner" for us. If we were bad, we were hit. But I obviously grew up in a different time (my first grade teacher - Sister Margaret Mary, used to throw chalk board erasers at us - hey - it was 1981). We feared our parents. My mom used to repeatedly say, "children should be seen but not heard."
I guess having children requires patience, of which I have none. So, I think I'll just keep my cat. She almost never meows.
C.P, if I acted like most of the kids out there today I would have gotten the crap beat out of me. I absolutely know what you mean...the kids are totally out of control, and then the parent looks at them all vacant and says, "Oh, honey, please don't do that." But then thats the end of the discipline. There's no follow through. I'm not anti-kids, I'm just anti let-your-kids-run-wild and do whatever they want. I hear ya.
I know there are good parents out there. I know lots of good parents, but it just seems like there are more bad parents out there than ever. And you're right. It only takes a few devil spawn children experiences to make you want to burn your uterus out with a hot poker.
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
I wouldn't give up on the idea of children just yet; if you recognize these behavioral problems, then you probably won't let your kids fall into the same patterns.
"We don't go to hell, memories of us do.
And if you go to hell,
I'll still remember you."
You ended up getting the gist of it towards the end of your post. Kids aren't the problem. Idiot parents are. My children are well behaved, right? That's cause they know if they aren't, I'll make their lives miserable.
One of these days you'll want kids. Hopefully you'll be able to manage them.
You don't hate kids and they are not evil! You hate bad parents! Children only know and learn what they are taught and by example. They watch others and feed off of their behaviors and will no doubt try anything unless they are told not to.
With the examples you state...yes that happens and sometimes there are instances when the parent HAS to finish the task they are doing ( like casing out in the grocery line etc) ...and the child will act up. BUT as a parent I SAY SOMETHING TO MY KIDS! If parents say nothing to bad behavior the kids will continue the bad behavior ~ think about it...you would to even as an adult. If no one said anything when you walked into a store and took all of the money out of the cash register...you would say hey I will do that everyday!
As for saying children are evil....that is ridiculous. ADULTS ( assuming that parents are all adults lol) need to know that their children follow by example. So in my eyes parents that don't correct their childrens behavior when they are bad are evil.
I understand your post and this is a problem I understand that too....but please...if you don't have any children yourself....you cannot possibly know what its like to HAVE to get something done and have your child act out. My kids do act up ( who doesn't?) ~ but not all the time~ you MAY see them in a rare occasion and "assume they act like that all the time"
I frankly am darn tired of people without kids telling me things like "oh I would never feed my kid instant mashed potato" or "when I have kids they will never do blah blah blah."
I don't want to hear it....guess what...you will feed your kids those items because they like them and they are better than pot. chips at lunch (ex.) and when you have kids you will do things that annoy you and others at times.
I must add....until you have children....you have NO clue. Don't be so assured that your "child will be perfect" No one is! Please don't judge a parent until you've been there...and know the total situations...
As I said in a couple of my posts, I DO realize that parents are mostly to blame for misbehaving children. The majority of parents just do not care. They let their children do whatever they want. Parents who do nothing while their child is having a fit in public angers me just as much. Sometimes I have to think though, "that child should know better." The child playing on the window bar at the Buffalo airport must have been 7 or 8. Certainly not an adult, but an 8 year old should know that kicking glass with their feet and 'playing monkey' when NOT at a playground is probably not a good idea. However, if you saw this child's parents you might side with the child - I almost wanted to.
And you're right, I do not have any children so I can't possibly understand the challenges associated with them. I mentioned that not all of them are evil. I happen to know some that are very well behaved. They would never act like that. Why??? Their parents wouldn't let them.
The fact is though, spoiled, misbehaved children have made me decide that I don't want any children on my own. But I'll admit that I shouldn't have any. There are numerous people in this world that should NOT have any children but they do anyways. It takes a certain kind of person to be a good parent.
The more I re-read my post, the more angry I become with parents who don't discipline their children. Too much work perhaps??? If you can't handle one child, why keep having more???
I've heard on numerous occassions that you need a license to drive a car, a permit to carry a gun, etc, but you don't need anything to have a child. A valid point. There should be some kind of testing.
How about this: Kids, like cars should be inspected once a year. If they don't pass inspection (a behavior test included), it is illegal to take them places. Why should everyone have to suffer??? Ever been to the movies and had a child start screaming during it??? I have. Those parents paid half as much money as everyone else for that child to sit there and now they are ruining it for everyone in that theater. Adults can't have cell phones on (for good reason). Parents can't have their children set to "scream" mode.
Jeepers creepers....let things go... why dwell on something from a year ago?
The bottom line is its THE ADULTS fault...the child that was 8 or so yrs old probably never had the parent TELL HIM not to do things like that!
As for your inspection theory on children... it should instead be maybe "parent inspection".
Have you ever reacted to this bad behavior?
While your at the movies...get up and ask the parent to quite their child...or go to the main desk and ask for a manager to ask them. Some parents are numb to their childs behavior ( or dumb lol) and have no regard for others feelings.
I work with the public and I see many many instances of this behavior at my jon....there are MANY things at my job place that could hurt or injure a child and I usually say something. Not rudely...but I do say something~
I know its not your job walk about and calm other peoples kids down...but you obviously have a big problem with it...
And its a good thing that you made a decision not to have children...it sounds like you really kinda don't like them anyways.
Ironically, I always wanted children. I babysat a lot in high school - loved kids. It was only after college that I realized I no longer wanted them. Perhaps I should spend more time with children that know how to behave.
As I've said for the third time now, I know that parents are mostly to blame. What is a child taught in school though I wonder??? I believe even behaviors taught in school need to be reinforced at home.
And no, I do not approach these parents. What do you suggest I say, "hi, obviously you have no idea that your child is causing a disturbance as you sit there and do nothing. Please quiet your demon kid already."
Oblivious "numb" parents are no excuse for poor behavior from their children.
I'm sure most parents think that they're children are the brighest, cutest, sweetest little angels on Earth. But people on the other side of the fence often have a different view.
Sadly, parents must often bring their children with them to run errands, etc, even when the child missed their nap and is clearly not in a good mood. And I do believe there is a difference between a grumpy child and one that is simply misbehaving.
Let me clarify that I see children a daily basis in a lot of different places and the majority of them ARE well behaved. There are always those few who aren't though. And that is what you remember.
Maybe this thread should be changed to: "should just anyone become a parent?" Think about it - how many children are actually PLANNED and WANTED?
And luckily for me, there are vacation resorts that are for "adults only".
I must add....until you have children....you have NO clue.
You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard this incredibly simplistic and incorrect statement.
You also wouldn't believe how many times I've been absolutely right about how one or another child turns out as an adult, how accurately I've predicted the outcome of various parenting strategies with a particular child, and how many times moronic parents have resented me when I've offered, politely and in good faith, my advice on how to handle a particular child-rearing problem after they've hijacked and bored me with the details of their child-focused life for several minutes.
"If you promise not to pray in my schools, I promise not to think in your church"
This may be a bad example, I'm not sure, but it makes sense to me. It is, (I hope) an example on how certain (not all) people with children feel they should have special priviledges just because they have chosen to give birth.
I live on a street in the city of Lockport that happens to have a Middle School at one end. The speed limit is 30 MPH, as it is throughout the city. BUT when these parents are dropping off their precious little darlings off at school and picking them up in the afternoon, I may as well be living on the Autobahn(sic?) They whip up and down this street with no regard for anyone else, just their schedule, and God knows they always have the right of way. I have tried to move one car out of my driveway to get the other car out on occasion, and endured a barage of obscenities and gestures from these type-A nut job parents who think they are entitled to be incredibly rude because they have they are running late. ---And who is sitting there, in the car, as they go 60 MPH down a residential street, and who is sitting there while the parents scream at total strangers just for trying to get out of their own driveway? The kids, that's who. And yes, it is the parents, but I agree with CP, in this case, I don't want to turn into one of those people. All I get out of this display is the grisly duty of cleaning up umpteen smushed dead squirrels because God forbid they should have to apply their brakes, when they have such momentum going. If you want to cross the street, you do it quickly and at your own risk around here.
I know my tolerance level when it comes to children, and it is quite low, but it is lower for these complete ignoramuses who apparently did not assess their own temperment before having children, and now are proceeding to take their bad judgement out on the rest of the world.
Obviously, this isn't a blanket statement, and I know there are great parents out there, but the parents who are bad, are infuriating. And I shudder to think what their children will grow up to be.
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
Couch Potato wrote: Think about it - how many children are actually PLANNED and WANTED? And luckily for me, there are vacation resorts that are for "adults only".
If I may speak for myself and my hubby~ both of my 2 children were planned and very much wanted and loved! We cherish them everyday and teach them both everyday the rights and wrongs of society.
I may add that is no reason for them to be allowed to act like raging fools in public....we keep that for the back yard! lol
I know my tolerance level when it comes to children, and it is quite low, but it is lower for these complete ignoramuses who apparently did not assess their own temperment before having children, and now are proceeding to take their bad judgement out on the rest of the world.
I couldn't have said it better! :)
And I totally agree: people with children think they deserve special privileges. Example: a couple jobs ago, I had to work nights, weekends and holidays. Okay, bad enough, but when it came time to give a couple people the day off, the ones who usually got granted the holiday off were the ones with kids. "I have a family...", they'd say. Wait, so, because I'm not married with kids I couldn't possibly want Christmas Day off??? I too come from a family.
My favorite was when a co-worker wanted Halloween night off to, "spend with his 9-month old". SHE HAS NO IDEA WHAT DAY IT IS!!! She wouldn't even know if he wasn't there. Why do parents think they deserve special privileges over anyone else??? I will never ask to leave work early to go to a parent-teacher conference, I will never call in sick because my child has a cold and had to stay home from work and I will never claim more on my taxes because I had a carpet monster. Shouldn't deciding NOT to have children offer benefits? (Actually, in my opinion, not having the kids IS the benefit).
Hmmm...I am trying not to be defensive here...I respect your opinions but also I take offense to this ...You must understand that not every parent is like this? Or do you just work with a bunch of schmucks?
I am my childrens mom, my husbands wife and my parents child.
I work opposite shifts as my husband, & set up appointments around my work schedule (which by the way at my job...none of the single people do! ~ they make dentist appointments when they are scheduled to work! )
. No, I do not work holidays...BUT that is because I am high senority NOT because I have children. My husband has a job that requires employees on round the clock watch 24 hours a day 7 days a week & 365....he misses many holidays and activities due to his work requirements etc. Neither not ask for special priviledges from a single w/no child co-worker.
We don't call into work because the kids are sick because we work opposite shifts.
I was raised with the thought process of "You have kids~ you take care of them" and "your childrens actions directly reflect back onto you and visa versa".
I totally see what your saying...but it truly sounds cruel to hear you call children "carpet monsters" and such...
I agree with you....it aggravates me to see "career women" poping out kids and having the "nanny" raise them...etc etc
The bottom line here is parenting takes orginization, patience and comman sense among a thousand other things...not everyone is cut out for it.
BUT Think about what if your parents felt the same way as you do about children....and never had you?
I was raised with the thought process of "You have kids~ you take care of them" and "your childrens actions directly reflect back onto you and visa versa". I totally see what your saying...but it truly sounds cruel to hear you call children "carpet monsters" and such... I agree with you....it aggravates me to see "career women" poping out kids and having the "nanny" raise them...etc etc The bottom line here is parenting takes orginization, patience and comman sense among a thousand other things...not everyone is cut out for it.
Hmmm... I must admit, I agree to SOME of the things you said. I applaud you for being able to balance your work and family life.
I know that not every parent is like this though. Nor does every single person I know make dental appointments during the work day.
Many parents do NOT work opposite shifts and there are a lot of single mothers out there. In my opinion, having children is a CHOICE. If you choose to have a career AND children that's a CHOICE and you should be treated just the same as everyone else.
Oh, and I've always scheduled dentist appointments, etc. for AFTER work mainly because a.) I do not want to get behind at work and if I leave early, no one does my job and b.) why use vacation or personal time getting your teeth cleaned??? :(
NYCOWIFE, I'm sure I can speak for CP when I say sincerely that it is not our intention to offend anyone. But, there are a certain part of society that really milks the parental thing. I am certainly not referring to you, and I'm sure CP is not either. I think, if anything, it is a very good thing to acknowledge, as an individual, that you (by you, I mean me) are very possibly not parental material. I mean in my particular case, I like to drink too much, curse like a trucker, and would probably have parental skills that would make Joan Crawford look like the Patron Saint of Children. I guess the point of this post is to express frustration at not the children, but the parents of the children who probably shouldn't be parents at all.
I do, however, feel that there is not enough discipline, or at least lack of follow through with a lot of parents. But, it is a different age, I guess...about a year ago in Tops, I witnessed a mom who was frustrated with her child grabbing everything in the store, smack the child's hand, after repeated verbal discipline. A woman, who this mother did not know from Adam, leaned over the freezer aisle, and said, "I saw that, and now I'm watching you." I thought that was ridiculous. And yet thirty years ago, when I was a child, no-one would bat an eyelash.
Times have changed, but I'm not convinced it's for the best.
Anyways, no offense was intended.
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
I recognize that I'm not cut out to be a parent, I like my independence way too much. Furthermore, I have no interest in parenthood anyhow and no desire to reproduce. But others need to realize that perhaps they shouldn't be parents either.
And the whole not slapping your kid thing has gone way too far. As I mentioned, in our house, we did not get "time outs." There was no sitting in the corner. I knew that if I didn't behave, I'd be punished, probably with a smack on the @$$. I feared my parents. Things have just gotten way too lenient and out of control.
I know there are good parents out there and for them I'm thankful. Because of them, I don't feel pressure to help keep the population going.
What a bunch of dicks. Just because your parents hit you and you're into that sort of thang, why should all children be subjected to that sort of violence? My mother, a single parent, could discipline me better with a look, than any threat of violence.
My goal is NOT to have my children fear "ME" but the fear what I THINK! I hope that what I would think of their actions crosses their minds when they are doing things in life...
I never said a child should be beaten. Nor was I for the record. Slapped on the ass, yes, but nothing to cause bruising or bleeding. I do not condone beating your kids.
My point was that parents have to lay down the law and I don't believe a little, "now, honey, don't do that," cuts it. It certainly didn't for the children I've seen in public. A majority of the parents I see are pussies. Plain and simple. They let their kids do whatever they want. The kids walk all over them. Getting away with small things leads to bigger things.
If most parents were firmer with their children, you'd have a more behaved generation of children.
Just because your parents hit you and you're into that sort of thang, why should all children be subjected to that sort of violence? My mother, a single parent, could discipline me better with a look, than any threat of violence.
You can discipline children, or anyone for that matter, without violence. The point people are trying to make are that many parents don't use the level of discipline they should. And I'm not saying that kids have it easier, even though they do. (What 9-year-old needs a cel-phone?) Parents tend to be very lax on instruction and more concerned with the child's emotional well-being. When we lost a little league game, we'd go for ice cream. Nowadays I'd be taken to a therapy session, or a grief counselor, not to discuss the inequities of life, just to assure me that I'm 'OK.'
Also, children have an inherrent conscience. They know when they're being bad, when to lie, and what is expected of them. You think the 7-year-old crying on the floor was never told not to do that? Parents have some of the responsibility, yeah, but you can't make a child blameless because he/she has crappy parents.
And why should I have to be subjected to bad children? That phrase "It takes a village to raise a child," that's bull. Raise your own kid, don't rely on the other villagers because we have things to do. And don't impose on the other villagers because you have a child. Some of the villagers like to watch violent or racy programming. Some of the villagers like smoking and drinking. Some of the villagers want to enjoy a meal without screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaming children in the next booth. Some of the villagers would like holidays off. Some of the villagers want to listen to whatever they want without having to put up with gaps or bleeps in their music because *gasp* a child might hear a bad word. If you chose to be a parent and subject yourself to all that, fine. Enjoy. But don't subject everyone else to it.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
I think there is a big difference between slapping a smart mouthed child and beating them. When my kids act up in public we go home, end of story. Having said that I think I have gone home one time with each child. They know what is expected of them when we are out, but do need to be reminded of what is acceptable. At home we give them more space to be loud and unruly. Make no mistake, they are mouthy at times and misbehave because that's how kids are. Put them in a car together for more that 15 minutes and they fight like wild animals. I can't explain this strange syndrome, but am told that they are very polite well behaved children when they visit other peoples homes.
"The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance my deride it, but in the end, there it is."
Winston Churchill
i divorced the wicked witch and raised 2 kids from ages 7 & 8 until junior and senior year in hi school as a single father . with help from my dear departed mom and still kicking father , married wife #2 when my kids were a junior and senior in hi school .
i never resorted to beatings , a few swats on the butt as needed when younger . i never really had any problems except the normal teenage stuff . and one incident involving fireworks at school , no injuries , but from a teen age boy things like that are expected .
my daughter who is a special ed teacher with masters in ABA from columbia in nyc has provided one grandchild , life is good .
i never really had any problems except the normal teenage stuff . and one incident involving fireworks at school , no injuries , but from a teen age boy things like that are expected .
So you expect your children to bring explosives to school? I wouldn't. Nor would I let it slide. See? This is a prime example of parents being too relaxed when it comes to their kid's behavior.