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RE: Kids are evil
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Hey, lighten up, Phantom, what's a high school without at least one course in ordnance tactics, especially in conjunction with a solid ROTC program.


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You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk???

As long as you are willing to give your opinion on how kids should be raised, you should not have kids.

People who express such a negative opinion about how other children are raised, are doing the world a favor by not having kids of their own.


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Anonymous wrote:

CP, You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk??? As long as you are willing to give your opinion on how kids should be raised, you should not have kids. People who express such a negative opinion about how other children are raised, are doing the world a favor by not having kids of their own.

First, I can't stand it when people won't log in to post.  You have an opinion but you don't want anyone to know it's yours???  WTF?!?!  Go away until you can post as a normal user. 

Second, you're right though, I shouldn't have kids.  Luckily, that fits perfectly into my life plans. 

Third, shouldn't we learn from other people's mistakes? Strict parenting vs lax, etc.??

I agree with MC, I don't want to be part of the Village to raise other people's kids.  You want kids - fine, but keep me out of it.  Don't make everyone else around you suffer just because you felt the need to procreate.  Your angel might be someone else's version of the devil. 

I've learned that apparently becoming a parent often leads to weakness and giving in to the child.  Perhaps out of frustration or exhaustion.  Kid is crying?  Buy him a toy to shut them up.  They scream in the check out line until they get candy?  Fine give them whatever, the parent just wants to finish shopping.  Kid won't stop wailing until he gets ice cream?  Fine, give it to them.  Parents too must be in search of quiet.  A single moment or two to HAVE A THOUGHT without the child crying. 

Here in Virginia they have smoking and non-smoking sections in restaurants.  I've always wanted to just ask, "can I sit in the non-child section?"  Hearing a kid wail all through dinner to me is almost a bigger nuisance than someone smoking near me.  It's all perception.  I perceive (MISBEHAVED) children one way, someone else sees them as God's gift.  *shrugs*

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Wow, CP, I always felt so weird about my unpopular opinion on children and childrearing, now suddenly I have found a kindred spirit! This has been a great post. Thank you for starting it. I enjoy your "to the point" Greedy Corperations Suck and Kids are Evil. It is direct and to the point and obviously by the amount of response you get, very effective! I'm glad I found your threads, I feel less weird now. Hey, if you ever want to have a meal in the "No children" section, look me up! Thanks!

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RJ: No thank YOU for understanding my point of view.  Although the world would be pretty boring if we all had the same opinion.

I've always been criticized for my lack of interest in having children.  Apparently all women are put on this Earth to reproduce and those who don't must be crazy.  Who wouldn't want a cute little bundle of joy from God?  Me!

In my opinion....  Kids are expensive, loud, messy and result in a loss of personal freedom.  They are not worth the tax write off. 

My cat makes the perfect 'child'.  She's exceedingly quiet (never meows), feeds herself, never has to get her diaper changed, we can leave her home alone all day, she will never be found in a restaurant or shopping center and is an excellent lap warmer.  I will never have to go to boring school concerts that she is in and she will never ask for expensive sneakers or want to go to college. 

I know there are good, well-behaved children out there.  I am grateful that their parents raised them to behave.  :) 

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Couch Potato wrote:

In my opinion....  Kids are expensive, loud, messy and result in a loss of personal freedom.  They are not worth the tax write off. 

   Hmmm...wonder if your parents think this now? 

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Couch Potato wrote: In my opinion....  Kids are expensive, loud, messy and result in a loss of personal freedom.  They are not worth the tax write off.     Hmmm...wonder if your parents think this now? 

You seem to be missing my point.
My initial post wasn't about, "should [unwanted] children be aborted?"  Just that they need to behave.
For the record, I was an unplanned baby.  My parents are married because of me.  I'm sure they are glad I'm here but I'm sure they often think about how they could be 'living a larger life' now if they chose not to have children. 
No, I personally do want children and I don't care if bad kids were planned or not. 
Parents just need to understand that not everyone around them finds somebody's else's child to be cute and endearing. 
Don't you have any pet peeves???  I hate slow drivers... I hate when people go to a drive-up ATM and start balancing their checkbook before they pull away (while there are cars behind them, waiting)...  I hate kids who misbehave in public.  That was my whole point.  Anyone out there have kids???  Want to take them out???  Make sure they know how to behave.  Parents love their children no matter what, no matter how badly they act - but other people don't have to share the love. 

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Phantom wrote:

mike of the mountain wrote:  i never really had any problems  except the normal teenage stuff .    and one incident involving fireworks at school , no injuries ,  but from a teen age boy things like that are expected . So you expect your children to bring explosives to school? I wouldn't. Nor would I let it slide. See? This is a prime example of parents being too relaxed when it comes to their kid's behavior.

oh , i would not say i let it slide .  the lad was punished , he got 4 months of school by tutor in my shop during business hours , every minute of school work and homework was observed by myself and completed to my satisfaction , coupled with additional "chore type activity"     his grades soared during that time .

    but no beatings or whippings or anything like that ,  he never did bring fireworks to school after that  ....   


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"First, I can't stand it when people won't log in to post. You have an opinion but you don't want anyone to know it's yours??? WTF?!?! Go away until you can post as a normal user. " - CP

Not to be a party pooper but "Karen in Richmond VA" is hardly identifying yourself. Really, it's not that much different than being anonymous. That being said, kids in restaurants misbehaving is something I deal with 4 times a week. And it does absolutely happen WAAAY more than it should. I complain alot about it, and my co workers say "well you have kids, aren't you used to it?" My answer is.....I can deal with my own children, but other people's that are acting like that, not so much!

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In response to your last post....

You seem to be missing my point.   My initial post wasn't about, "should [unwanted] children be aborted?"  

   Who said anything about abortion? 

   For the record, I was an unplanned baby.  My parents are married because of me.  I'm sure they are glad I'm here but I'm sure they often think about how they could be 'living a larger life' now if they chose not to have children.   

  So you really think that your parents thought they were missing out on something "better" by having you?

  Don't you have any pet peeves??? 

  Yes, everyone does....(ie) it annoys me when my hubby leaves his socks next to the laundry basket...but I don't think he is evil because of it

 but obviously i don't have not as many as you....and not quite as 'hateful..."

 I hate slow drivers... I hate when people go to a drive-up ATM and start balancing their checkbook before they pull away (while there are cars behind them, waiting)... 

 I hate kids who misbehave in public.  That was my whole point. 

Hate is a strong seem to use it alot....

 Anyone out there have kids???  Want to take them out??? 

  "Take them out"?  are you refering to taking them places or actually taking them out of "life" ? 

  Good gosh!?


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kspeer wrote:

"First, I can't stand it when people won't log in to post. You have an opinion but you don't want anyone to know it's yours??? WTF?!?! Go away until you can post as a normal user. " - CP Not to be a party pooper but "Karen in Richmond VA" is hardly identifying yourself. Really, it's not that much different than being anonymous.

The anonymous postings bother me because you can't really have a discussion w/ them; if I respond to an anon post, I really can't be sure that the next response I get is from that individual. Even if your screen name is a pseudonym, I still think there is a degree of responsibility you to take for your comments. On the whole, the most pot-shots seem to be taken by anon posters and that's indicative of the allure of taking a piss at someone without having to take responsibility for it -- whether that's on an internet forum or in the community.

Anyway, I agree w/ JH's comments -- you don't have to be a parent to see a train-wreck about to happen because of parents who take the easy way out w/ their kids.

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kspeer: I'm sorry, should my last name, address and phone number be in my profile???  Do you CARE where in Richmond I live? (Southside, BTW).  If I post as CP, you know that I'M saying whatever and not some anonymous person afraid to even log in with a user name.  Besides, anyone can make up info for their profile.  Ironically, even YOU don't have your name, location or ANY information about yourself in your profile.  Believe it or not, I have more information in mine.   

NYCOWIFE: I meant take them out in public.  Geesh.    Whether I was a planned baby or not doesn't really have anything to do with my topic.  I just do not like children who misbehave - I believe I've mentioned that several times.  Period.  I see good, behaved children everyday.  The two kids I saw in the Walmart line on Friday... perfect.  But not all children act as well.    You want to start another thread about whether people who had unplanned kids are happy???  Fine, but my thread is about misbehaving children.  

I realize that having kids is a sacrifice.  You must give up your old lifestyle and make sacrifices for the kids.  That's fair.  But not everyone wants to make that sacrifice.  Not everyone wants to hear a child screaming during a movie.  Not everyone thinks movies should be edited for TV because little ears shouldn't hear certain words or little eyes shouldn't see certain things.   

In several of my friends, I've seen them change after they had children.  They now are willing to wait in line at a store to get their child's favorite toy.*   Or they talk about the child's first gurgle that kinda sounded like "momma" and about the big trip to the kids play gym they have planned.  Of course this falls on deaf ears when telling this to a child-less person. 

My point is that not everyone wants to share in your chosen lifestyle.    I'm not telling anyone to have an abortion or do away with their current children.  I know that not all children are bad.  I would just like more of them to behave in public.  Further, I think parents are far too lax in their parenting.  Period.   

*(SIDEBAR: what's up with that anyhow???  How many of you are willing to get up at the butt-crack of dawn and wait outside in the cold for a particular item - be it for yourself or your kids???).

-- Edited by Couch Potato at 12:50, 2005-12-04

"When your butt rings, answer it."

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Couch Potato wrote:
    I meant take them out in public.  Geesh.    Whether I was a planned baby or not doesn't really have anything to do with my topic.  I just do not like children who misbehave - I believe I've mentioned that several times.  Period.  I see good, behaved children everyday.  The two kids I saw in the Walmart line on Friday... perfect.  But not all children act as well.    You want to start another thread about whether people who had unplanned kids are happy???  Fine, but my thread is about misbehaving children

   You probably should have named the thread children who misbehave...instead of generalized "kids are evil". 

  I never brought up did. the thought never even came to mind while posting.

  The fact is...most people do change throughout their lives...we change with our surroundings and with added joys or misfortunes in our lives.  We all talk about the things that make us happy~ whether it be my children or your cat.  there is really no difference...Some people go on and on about their animals as if they were

  I frankly didn't think this post was going to go on and

  Either way...I'll  make you a deal...I won't talk about my kids if you won't talk about your

"I live in the woods not your world of greed"

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Now you are ready to cook! One USENET account recommends placing a cat in a very high powered magnetron microwave. This device supposedly can cook a cat in approximately 10 minutes- the proteins are denatured (cooked), and sugars caramelized by microwave heating. The cat may be "cooked" but will it taste good? If you've ever tried to microwave a raw hamburger, you'll know the answer is "no." For the best taste, our reader inquired about possibly slow cooking a feline. That's exactly what we at PWEETA recommend- a slow cooked Beer Roasted Cat. Other cat recipes you may enjoy are classic Cat Tamales, Cat in Spicy Ginger Sauce, and Cat Au Gratin.

1 cat cut into roast
1 can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup
1 cube of beef bouillon
1 clove of garlic
1 Fine Irish Stout, like Guinness

Scraped CatCover and soak cat roast in salt water for 24 hours. Drain water and then cover and soak in beer for 6 hours. Drain and place in crock pot with your cans of soup. Add a clove of garlic, and a cube of beef bouillon. If you start to slow cook your cat in the morning with your George Foreman Cooker (or it's ilk), you'll have finely cooked feline in time for supper.

If a slow cooker is not available, a cat can be baked at 350 degrees for 2-3 hours in a conventional oven and still come out pretty good. Beer Roasted Cat is fantastic served with mashed potatoes, collard greens, and fresh, homemade egg rolls. When planning a full meal just remember- cat is a course best served hot!

Skinned Cat Cat may not be the most glamorous, or tastiest of game meats, but with a little thought and preparation, Baked Cat can make the belly of the persnicketiest diner glow with home baked goodness.


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Perhaps titling this topic "Kids are evil" WAS too strong.  I admit that.  But after seeing that title, did you want to read the thread???  You obviously did.  Good, I wanted to draw attention to it. 
On occasion, I have been known to change my opinion of something based on what others said.  However, no matter how many people tell me how fabulous and rewarding parenthood is, I still have no desire to have kids.  But that's my opinion.  Everyone has their own. 
Further, my opinion of disliking misbehaved children is not directed to any user (or their children) on this forum.  They are general statements.  Unless of course you're the proud mother of that little girl in Walmart that made linoleum angels while screaming until she got her way.  :)
NYCOWIFE: I brought up abortion because on two occasions you commented on what my parents think now about having me. 
"Hmmm...wonder if your parents think this now? 
"But think about what if your parents felt the same way as you do about
children....and never had you?"

What my parents think about my existence has nothing to do with kids misbehaving.  I choose not to have children because of all the misbehaving children I see everyday.  Again, my opinion. 
Like kspeer said... "I can deal with my own children, but other people's that are acting like that, not so much!" 

That made a lot of sense.  Some people are able to put up with bad behavior
because it's their own kids.  Maybe they don't notice, maybe they only see the good in them... who knows... 
I'm not offended if you don't want to hear about my cat.  I have the same interest in other people's kids. 
I appreciate everyone's thoughts about this topic.  I had no idea it would draw this much attention.
Anonymous - I have a recipe for blackened kitty you might find yummy.  Cat recipes in no way offend me.  
NYCOWIFE said: "The fact is...most people do change throughout their lives...we change with our surroundings and with added joys or misfortunes in our lives."  I couldn't have said it better.

"When your butt rings, answer it."

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"Ironically, even YOU don't have your name" - CP

K. Speer is my name. If someone really wanted to, they could find out the rest!


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Sorry, forgot to log in last time

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Anonymous wrote:

That's exactly what we at PWEETA recommend- a slow cooked Beer Roasted Cat.

The same recipie can be applied to humans. I'd start with a Brisket Of Anonymous Poster...

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Here's how one business dealt with this issue. I actually saw a story on the network news a month ago about this place. It seems to have worked well. I admit I would have to follow their lead with any public setting.

Kids Behaving Badly

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes... If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.

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What do you do when the person behaving badly is an adult? I waited on an older couple 2 months ago that had to be the most disturbing table ever to other guests. The man had an old transistor radio tuned into a NASCAR race with the volume on full blast placed on the table. Then the two proceeded to yell a conversation to eachother so they could hear over the broadcast. They didn't just annoy nearby tables. They disrupted the entire restaurant.

They complained very loudly about the prices when they looked over their bill. Then they said "We'll never come here again!" I hope we can be that lucky!

-- Edited by kspeer at 14:20, 2005-12-06

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That's easy, I would have walked over and faked like I was sneezing a couple of times, then picked up one of their napkins and blown my nose into it and set it back down on their table.

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That's easy, I would have walked over and faked like I was sneezing a couple of times, then picked up one of their napkins and blown my nose into it and set it back down on their table. - JH

Well then, I wish you would have been there!

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So are you saying that adults are also evil KS? I think everyone has that potential.

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Not evil, just rude! And they were definately old enough to know better! In fact, the radio was old enough to know better!

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Phantom wrote:

Anonymous wrote: That's exactly what we at PWEETA recommend- a slow cooked Beer Roasted Cat. The same recipie can be applied to humans. I'd start with a Brisket Of Anonymous Poster...

Sometimes the anon,s poster hides because they are afraid.Sometimes older humans are evil.

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