Why can't the Lockport Fire Department and the Lockport Police Department hire Civilian dispatchers? Whether dispatch moves to the county (a service already paid for by tax payers) or stays in the city, it would make more sense to hire civilian dispatchers. This would allow the individuals trained to protect our streets and save lives to be doing what they do best, not taking phone calls! This would greatly reduce and/or eliminate the need to hire a large number of firemen and police officers, not to mention save money by reducing overtime and having a civilian dispatcher (who would make far less money than a fireman or police officer) would also save money. It seems like a common sense solution thats' time has come.
What is the pay scale for a dispatcher at the Sheriffs Dept.? I might be wrong but i'm not so sure if its much less than what a cop or fireman is paid. I do know that county dispatchers are EMD's or Emergency Medical Dispatchers, which allows them to render medical advice over the phone until help arrives. So all in all it's a pretty important job and hence...pays well.
The Dispatch pay is $13.00 - $17.00 and hour. Average pay is $15.00 per hour. If you looked in the paper when they had the salaries for the Firemen and Policemen, they get paid a HELL of a lot more. Several of them made over $70,000.00 when you add in overtime.
Starting pay for a city firefighter is only 32,000. 15 dollars an hour for civilian disbatch equals 31,200. Almost the same numbers for someone who can only perform one task.
The city taxpayers paid for 60+ firemen a few years ago, now the city taxpayers pay for just over 50 firemen. Did your tax bill go down? no it didn’t and you are paying the same for less.
The taxpayers paid for the overtime that the police and fire worked because of the council’s mismanagement, if overtime is eliminated or reduced do you think your tax bill will go down? No, it will stay the same and you will have less fire and police protection.
Maybe the council will give the taxpayers a rebate check at the end of the year.
Why is it when the city of Lockport, Niagara Falls or North Tonawanda have a reduction of Police and or Fire personnel, it is in the name of high taxes but, according to sheriff Beilein a reduction in "HIS" personnel and or budget would mean a reduction in public safety? Which public is more important? Maybe he could bring out some of his dispatchers to the road patrol. That would be cost effective wouldn't it?
Mrs."K",I like the line of questioning but some of your info seems to be a little off.I'm not sure who is providing your answers, but you can never be to careful.
In 2003 the 2 highest total salaries were in Streets/Parks at Aprox $62,000. The top FF salaries were under $58,600. In 2004 the top overall highest salary was from LPD at just over $68,000, one FF at just over $67,000 while no other FF made more than $66,500. This includes salary, OT, and all other items of compensation as outlined by collective bargaining agreements. Keep in mind this does not include elected officials or Dept Heads. so no, this is not "well over $70,000". These employees are able to deliver multiple tasks to the taxpayers, more than "just answering the phone".
A look at the Nia Co. budget shows the line item of salary for dispatchers. Decide for yourself if they are indeed compensated well.
A call volume study at LPD/LFD showed LFD could expect to field aprox 150,000 call/radio transmissions a year.Add LPD to the mix the number jumps to over 545,000 call/radio transmissions a year. How many County dispatchers would need to be hired to cover this?
FF's sent City Hall a list of 12-15 questions concerning dispatch changes. We still have not gotten any answers.
Nia. Co receives 2 line items of revenue for E911. They total aprox 3.2 million, yet it takes about 1.8 million to run County dispatch. What happens to the rest? Why cant Nia Co reimburse Lockport for a fair share of the call volume that City dispatch handles?
why not lower the amount collected monthly from every taxpayer in Nia Co on their home and cell phone bills. Only collect what is needed to run dispatch and we all pay a little less in monthly charges?
I sent a letter out concerning dispatch awhile ago, I'll post it when I can find it.
I am positive I read an article in the US&J Last year (2004) for the salaries of our local law enforcement and firemen. The top salary makers were significantly higher than what you are stating. This by the way included overtime of which is killing your department. Why can't you have civilians answer your phone calls and free up the firemen whom are behind the communication center? You stated that a dispatcher would make $31,500 but the top pay would be around $ 40,000 and this is much lower than the top pay for a fireman. Most retirements are based on top salaries, and not on starting pay. I feel the same for the police department. They need to get the extra bodies on the streets instead of behind the communication center.
Mrs. “K”, relax, take a tablet and calm down. The local library has a collection of US&J papers. I encourage you to research them. The numbers I stated are accurate.
The fact of the overtime matter is that City leaders have not replaced retired FF. Manpower is down from 59 to a present active force of 48.When I questioned City leaders why so many hirings in other Depts the response was to maintain services and control overtime.
When Deputies controlled County dispatch, they were the best in the area. I listened on a scanner to better my dispatch skills. Most County civilian dispatchers are not of this quality. I would put my dispatchers up against them any day.
I did not post any dispatch salaries. That was another post(s). I suggested you look at numbers contained in the Niagara County budget. My Union offered to lower starting pay to $33,000and to lengthen the number of years to top pay (5) to encourage the City to hire. Top pay for FF is about $48,000. We fight fires, save lives and we answer phones.
I have never been against County dispatch. I have been waiting for answers. Our City leaders refuse to agree to put more bodies on the street. 3 have openly stated that they would cut the manpower to an even lower number.
You and I strongly agreed on our support for Brain Grear. We simply can not agree at this time on this issue.
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
Emo Philips
I also agree with you Kevin and Mrs. K, does anyone remember the auto accident on Church street in Lockport, and the county dispatched the ambulance to Middleport? Im sure that there will be some people saying well accidents happen, but I'd like to hear what their comment's would be if it was one of their own!
Are those call numbers you quoted really accurate? You are saying the fire department alone gets over 400 calls a day on average? And that the police get over 1,100 calls a day themselves, for a combined call number of over 1,500 per day?
Thats more than one call every minute, it does seem hard to believe.
No I am not looking for a disbatch job. What is that? Do you mean dispatch? Anyway, I am happy with the full time job I have now. I was just thinking of a way we could save the firemen jobs. I would hate to see any of them get laidoff. We need the services in the city.
This call volume study included emergency calls, telephone calls from various phone lines and radio transmissions. It was taken over a 3 or 4 month period and averaged out for a yearly estimate.My Union had nothing to do with this study, we only received a copy of it.Your elected officials are well aware of this study.
I brought of the dispatch question because I would like to save you (the firemen) some money. If you hire civilian dispatchers, it free's up the extra bodies. I do not want to see anyone lose their jobs. Why does the dispatch have to go to the county? The police and fire departments have great communication centers. Let's keep the jobs in the City!
Mrs K, what you say may make sense to you and most people but not to the city leaders. First it would require hiring in the fire department, which they have shown a total unwillingness to do. Second they would want to know where the money to hire these people would come from, because they refuse to see a reduction in overtime expense as a savings that can offset the costs of hiring. Third, their goal with moving dispatch to the county is to lessen the number of firefighters not increase the number available on the floor. One would have to conclude that civilian dispatchers would be viewed the same, but since they would require hiring it will never be acceptable to the City Council. They would prefer to send the dispatch to the county, eliminate 4 firefighter positions and close thier eyes to any service disruptions that may result as well as any future cost increases from the county.
Mrs K, the point is the county can take over the dispatch job, use those county dollars that no matter what happens we are not going to get refunded, and eliminate city dispatchers.
This will put more people on the rigs, hopefully eliminating some overtime.
I know the fireman will go nuts over this, spout off all kinds of facts (though both sides can spout facts, it's how you look at them), and say it will never work.
This will put more people on the rigs, hopefully eliminating some overtime. I know the fireman will go nuts over this, spout off all kinds of facts (though both sides can spout facts, it's how you look at them), and say it will never work.
Well there you are wrong Mr. Anonymous. The Firefighters have never come out against county dispatch or said it wouldn't work. We have brought up a number of points for consideration and a number of questions which have never been addressed. Members of the Council have also stated that by moving dispatch to the county we would be able to operate with 4 less men, so the number on rigs wouldn't change, nor would the overtime situation. There may be a cost savings of 4 positions but one of our questions was what guarantee does the city have that there will not be any increases in costs to the city in the future.
Also we provide facts, find me an instance when the other side has ever produced facts or figures to justify thier plans. I would be very interested to see the city's 'facts' for how this central dispatch would work. I also would like to see thier numbers justifying not hiring to eliminate overtime. The council never disputes our facts, they just ignore them.
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
Emo Philips
My bad ~ Let me try this again. Up yours. How's that? The only people who care are you and your cats. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBByotch! Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
-- Edited by Nukedlou at 22:58, 2005-12-08
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
Emo Philips