WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fraud and abuse in the emergency response to Hurricane Katrina cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars, government investigators told a Senate panel on Monday ahead of a congressional report that faults the government's handling of the disaster that killed more than 1,300 people.
So, as we suspected, Katrina turned out to be yet another massive failure for the current administration, in terms of finance, leadership, and management. The government is looking worse and worse every day. Maybe I could move to Guam, where I could be proud of my government...
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
This whole katrina relief mess was coming and we all knew it. The question I have, in this day and age of skimpy benefits and medicare/medicaid demanding and getting choice discounts from pharmaceutical companies hospitals etc... Why can FEMA at the very LEAST make sure people are staying in budget hotels or motels instead of places that gouge $500 and more per night? WTF!
Meanwhile there are fleets of trailer homes sitting unused here in florida, waiting to be picked up from when they were used for hurricane charley etc.. the year before. Instead of spending god knows how much $ for these folks to stay in a hotel for 6 months or longer, why not simply take that money and use it to build them a new home in a safer location, this would be at their option of course, but still. Logic tells me this could have been done. Heck, for those who could repair their homes, the amount of money spent on a fancy hotel could have gone to fixing their house. There were so many holes in the approval and procurement guidlines, exposing the ineptitude of our wonderful "conservative" administration........
Honestly, I have to say this, hold whatever opinion you want, the next time a republican candidate talks about their conservative values and party, its going to be all too much fun pointing to the current rediculous adminstration's antics.
I know I haven't forgotten their incense over some oral action in the white house.