They didn't put the list on their website, and I was half asleep while watching, but I imagine the rest were office/healthcare/food handling.
This from GMA's site: Every day on the way to work, we run the risk of coming into contact with people who are sick, or carrying germs that can make us sick. When we finally get there, we're relieved. While our offices may not always be neat, they're clean. Right?
"Most people don't do anything to their desk until they are sticking to it," said Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist. "In fact, we find four hundred times more bacteria on a desktop that we do on most toilet seats," he added.
He says our keyboard, computer mouses, phones and desktops are covered with germs that could make us sick.
And if like millions of other hard-working Americans, you eat at your desk, you've also been feeding millions of microscopic moochers.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.