I took to heart Scott's bunny story. Have no shame, it's OK to feel bad, you are not alone.
I myself have hit several birds, deer, a raccoon or two, and the occasional squrrel or neighbor's kid. I always feel bad about it, and there's rarely anything you can do about it.
For example, during my driving career of I have hit a grand total of 12 deer. That's right 12. Now before you say I'm a bad driver, 7 of them were all at once. I was driving home at night, and a dark road, going down hill. When the lights leveled off I saw a herd of deer crossing the road. They were in both lanes and on both sides of the road. There was no where to swerve to. All I could do was lock the brakes, which I did. I started to skid a little bit and broad-sided the lot of them, as if my car wanted to hit as many as I could. And it was a big car, an '82 Mercury Marquis. I ended up killing 4 outright, and the rest had to be tracked down and/or euthanized. And when I say euthanized, I mean shot in the head by the shefiff's deputy that happened by. 2 were fawns. Car was OK, I felt like crap for some time.
My friend was driving home at 2AM the night before Easter, and she hit, you guessed it, a bunny. I was driving right behind her, I saw it dart out, she couldn't avoid it, and then it bounced as it left the underside of her car. I has to swerve to keep from hitting it a second time. I got no Easter basket that year...
But don't feel bad, because my mother holds the record in our family. She's hit a horse.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Hey I had a chance one time to hit this huge Deer which seemed as large as a horse. It had a rack and I lost count at about 15 points. I think it was the fall of 2002.
I had the opportunity to hit it.
I was driving an old 1988 Ramcharger during work up on Balmer Road in Town of Porter that I had complained to my boss about for years. I had that buck dead to rights, but it was so big, I was more afraid of what would be done to me, and if I got away with it I was afraid of the piece of junk my boss would give me to replace the 88 Ramcharger.
So I avoided it. Besides who wants a deer that was crossing the road leaving the CWM property and going to the Lake Ontario Ordinance Works property (I think i saw him at the Modern Landfill also).